Cloak & Dagger Audio Poetry


[0:52 Seconds, 818KB]


– What’s you sole purpose in this army?

– To do whatever you tell me…

[Forest Gump]

– We interrupt your regular broadcast to bring you this important news bulletin.

[Pinky and The Brain]

– You see… we’re on a mission from God.

[The Blues Brothers]

– I will not be made a fool of.

[The Breakfast Club]

– Ya, well just go ahead and chuckle away mister, I don’t hear God laughing.


– Sometimes you have to lose yourself, before you can find anything.


– Concentrate.

[Pinky and The Brain]

– I’m not going to debate you Jerry.

– ok

– I’m not going to sit here and debate.


– I’m a man of respect around here, they  love me around here, I’m a swell guy.

[The Breakfast Club]

– I have no idea what that meant.



– This sort of thing has cropped up before… and it has always been due to human error.

[2001: A Space Odyssey]


– And when the machine breaks down, WE break down.



– Time is a factor.  I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this.

[Pulp Fiction]

– Man’s GOT to know his limitations.


– Concentrate.

[Pinky and The Brain]

– Man’s GOT to know his limitations.

– Man’s GOT to know his limitations.

– Man’s GOT to know his limitations.
